Monday, October 13, 2008

Kevin Trudeau Debt Cures Book

Debt Cures

If you spend any amount of time watching late night TV, you've come across one of Kevin Trudeau's infomericals where he sells his weight loss cures, natural cures and now his "Debt Cures."  Since the average American has 9 credit cards and $17,000 in credit card debt, a book about magically making your debt disappear will appeal to most of us. 

Unfortunatley, the merits of this book are severely discounted before you crack open the book because Trudeau has a criminal past.  He has scammed people before.  If you take a few minutes to read some of the comments on Amazon, you will see that this is mainly what people are focusing on. 

I have read the book and think it does provide some useful information in it.  It does have some tips and techniques that you may have heard of before.  And if you read most personal finance books and get out of debt books, you will see the same thing.  There are not too many secrets to getting out of debt that someone has not told us. 

You know how to reduce credit card debt - spend less than you earn, pay 2 to 3 to 4 times more than the minimum due on your credit cards, nag your credit card companies about giving you the best interest rates, call to have any fees waived, etc. 

In that regard, Debt Cures does not provide any new and groundbreaking information. 

On the infomerical, Trudeau also talks a lot about free money from the government.  Yes, there is free money available that you never have to pay back however it is not usually given to you so you can pay your bills.  You have to do something with the money like help children learn to read or start a business in a rural area. 

Oh and the two magic words - identity theft.  It is the fastest growing crime in America so yes, you do need to pay attention to it and check your credit report often to make sure you do not become a victim. 

Overall, Debt Cures has some value.  With the average American $17,000 in credit card debt, one little tip that helps you can easily pay for the cost of the book.

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