Saturday, October 11, 2008

Reaching Your Goals By Means of Good Financial Planning

If overnight you became millionaire what would you do? Quit your job? Payoff debt? Would you feel that there was no longer a need to plan for your financial future?

If the receipt of a large sum of money would quickly make you think of quitting your job what does that tell you about how you feel about your career? Are you unhappy with the work you are doing? If you are unhappy, yet you never get your sudden millions, you may feel trapped in a life you don't enjoy.

It is sad that so many are stuck in a job that they find no joy doing simply because it pays the bills and they have to support their families.

On the other hand, getting out from under a job you don't enjoy is not always the answer. There have been some that do get a large sum of money, maybe win the lottery, and are able to walk away from their jobs. But because their only goal was to not work and they had no other goals, financial or otherwise, they quickly spend their winnings and find themselves in a more pathetic state than when they started.

Financial planning is not just a way to determine how to spend your money or cancel credit card debt. It is a way to determine what you really want out of life and then set forth a plan to help you reach your goals. If your life has no real purpose no amount of money will ever bring you happiness.

There are financial advisors and credit counselors around every corner. Help and direction is out there for anyone who will listen. But listening is not the only requirement for success. If you do not apply what experts say you will not improve your financial situation one bit.

Once you've set your goal in life and you have that in focus you must listen to what the experts say and put their advice into action in your daily life.

If you set goals in life a good financial plan will help you reach them. But the first step is to decide what you really want out of life.

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